Mas Yana manages a third of a gado-gado business which also has other locations in the Karet area.

Where do you live, pak?
I sleep in a local boardinghouse, with my relative and uncle. My uncle taught me how to prepare gado-gado, and we all work in the business but in different places.
So this business is operated by the three of you?
Yes. I used to trade cigarettes and indomie in some locations, then my uncle invited me to join this business. We’re already looking for someone else to join too, but they don’t like it or can’t operate their own work schedule.
Is there any change in the form of business since its inception up to now?
I am happy and secure in this location; I pay some retribution to the local RT, but I have to help with community activities too. Currently, the merchant next door (formerly a Gorengan trader) is no longer allowed to trade by the RT, because he was considered undisciplined and dirty. The RT is no longer allowing additional tradesmen in this area.
How does this business make profit?
Right now this gado-gado business actually consists of 3 different locations. My uncle is in the cafeteria at the health department building, one relative at the front of Karet neighbourhood, and I’m in the back street here. We all buy the materials together from a local market, but the same ingredients are sold at different prices. In my Uncle’s cafeteria the price for gado-gado is 25rb, but from a cart like mine just 12rb.
What about the future for your business?
Plan ahead? Maybe if I got married I would want the business to be in a more permanent place like the cafeteria. But right now I still feel more comfortable working from the cart because the schedule is more flexible. Sitting outside is better too, right?
Yeah, right. Thanks, Pak.