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Pak Deky Lim - Warung Peduli Jakarta

Indonesia's Independence Day has passed for 2 years running without all the usual celebrations. It’s often said that in the last two years, the independence day competition was just to survive, and the pandemic has certainly made it more difficult for most of us.

However, in the midst of these difficulties and efforts just to survive, there is still good news to be found. One example is the initiation of Warung Jakarta Peduli. Pak Deky Lim, a noodle seller, and his friends set up a free food donation table on the side of Gajah Mada road. They work closely with the Warung Peduli network which has spread across several cities to help provide food in accordance with the gotong royong tradition (working together). In Jakarta it’s already been running for two months!

They buy 100 servings of food from the stalls in the kampung (which of course are increasingly empty during the pandemic) to give to anyone who needs food. Their motto "One heart, one soul, together through the pandemic" perfectly defines the good intentions and efforts they make by providing food. So this 17th August, let's celebrate the generosity of Indonesians!

Rame Rame Jakarta today had the opportunity to chat with Mr. @deky_lim about @warungjakartapeduli.

Good afternoon Pak, what is Warung Jakarta Peduli?

We want to help people who are having a hard time because of this pandemic. Many people struggle to find food, right? For example, online motorcycle taxi drivers or small traders.

That's right, we've also heard a lot of sad stories. So you guys set up some kind of foundation huh?

Oh no, this is not a foundation, just friends who want to help. A kind of community but not formal, just between friends. I've only been doing this for two months.

Oh I see. So you set this up yourself, then?

First there was Warung Medan Peduli, then there were people who made one in Surabaya too. Until now, there are Warung Peduli in Medan, Surabaya, Jakarta, Bandung and Bogor.

Wow, the network is pretty wide. But each city operates independently?

Yes, that’s right. Maybe for a small group like in Bogor there will be a group collaboration with Jakarta, but generally they each take care of things on their own.

So what's in the wrappings, Pak?

We buy 100 servings of food for one pair of donation tables, 50 packs of Nasi Padang and 50 from other food stalls. We buy it from the warung inside the kampung because they are also quiet.

Oh so it helps the warung too, that's good.

Yes, as much as we can. Everyone needs help right now.

Great, Pak. So if there are people who want to support Warung Jakarta Peduli, how can they do it?

Until now, most of the donations have come from our friendship networks, but if anyone wants to donate, they can contact us directly via DM on IG @warungjakartapeduli . Let's help those most affected by PPKM!

Ok, Pak Deky, we will help promote this effort!

Alright, thanks a lot.

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