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Andesh Tomo is a researcher, architect and urbanist who has spent over a decade exploring the complexities of life in Jakarta. Founding RRJ as a centre for the study of informality in 2020 has revealed critical insights about how informality defines the indonesian capital, and how cities can more effectively integrate informal phenomena in planning, policy, economics and culture.

Kris is a researcher and project developer who has spent more than 7 years in Indonesia, working across a diverse range of issues including urban planning, economics, conservation and sustainable livelihoods. Co-founding RRJ represents the first attempt to bridge the North-South divide on urban policymakaing.

With over five years experience in various fields of urbanism, Arina Rahma is an urban designer and researcher who explores mobility, informality and social innovation. During 2020, she led the ‘Rapat Tetangga’ research which investigated social mobility and interaction towards the notion of compactness in low-income neighbourhoods in Jakarta. Currently studying for her Master in Urban Design at Technische Universiät (TU) Berlin, she is part of the research assistants at the TU Habitat Unit.

Liaison Officer
Nika is an urban planner who became part of RRJ as a Liaison Officer.
She coordinated a range of stakeholder interests over the course of several RRJ core projects, including collaboration partner activities and important third party interests.

Raihana is a day-to-day government official with expertise in housing provision, policy analysis, development cooperation and infrastructure project management. Highly motivated and passionate in fields related to sustainable development and participatory planning in cities. Prior to joining the team in 2019, she has been actively involved in community development projects and research related to urban informality.

Bangkit is a community architect, data analyst, writer and researcher, who leads development of RRJ's Berdiri Sedjak program. Bangkit's areas of expertise include stakeholder mapping, article writing, documentation and coordinating field projects.

Bardha is a researcher and community activist based between Jakarta and Bali, specialising in data analysis, mapping, urban design, field studies and community engagement. Bardha has contributed to several of RRJ's flagship projects, including KOTANATOMI, Design By Who? and Kebon Kacang Spatial Analysis
Art Curator & Manager

Luna is a curator and creative practitioner with a focus on communicating social issues through the arts. She works across a range of collectives and civil society organisations, and assists RRJ with their creative projects. She directed and co-wrote the MASKUMAMBANG experimental documentary.